Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Back to The Past

I looked back the photo taken during secondary school time, the first idea came from my mind is "I'm look very different compared to now, I'm just an ordinary student, no outstaanding result in academic n extra-curricullar." But once I think it back, it just like happened in yesterday. Chatting with friends in the classroom or at the corner school, eating with friends in the canteen, going to staff room together with friends and... Very memorable time. Even though going to tuition almost everyday, feeling that I'm always have short time, I feel that I'm more enjoyable at that time compared to now. Maybe I'm still live with parents at that time, I no need to care about what I eat for my breakfast, lunch and dinner, no need to care about how many cash I hold during shopping, and... Now I have to think of what am i going to eat for my breakfast, lunch and dinner, planning a budget list and a shopping list, take care myself and some more since I'm in uni's life. If I have a time machine, I want to travel back to the past. I want to redo something that I regret to do. I want to try something or do something that I haven't try it before or do it before. If it could be, I will do so.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Minggu Haluansiswa in University (4-9 July 2010)...

Very memorable orientation to me in the university. Even though very tired, I feel happy, funny and it is very 'syok'. I have never even shout out loud at the midnight on the street before, but I had tried it in this orientation week. You know that, that kind of feeling is very syok and high.
Besides of shout out loud on the street, I also learn some cheers in orientation week. On the first day of orientation, I'm shy to move my body and I can't remember the subs(cheer lyrics) because my legs and hands are inflexible. But on the next day, I just try my best and do the subs well.
We also have the art competition. I have been chosen to take part in manifesta puisi. And I volunteer to become a actress during manifesta puisi. I have to act like a child who do not prefer history subject. Unpredictable, our manifesta puisi are first runner up(2nd).
Besides, we have walk to our destination likes go to the faculty or the hall. It takes me around 20 minutes to engineering faculty and 15-20 minutes to the hall at the 1st time. It is very tired and you have to walk to there and here everyday.
On the last day of orientation, we have a closing ceremony in the hall at night. All the freshies are very high in the hall, and the hall is full of noises and cheers. We take turn to cheer on our own residential college. We hv 12 different residential colleges. The college that i stayed is the larger, the 'youngest' and the most accommodation in this university. We have lift, our own balcony, two person sharing a room, a artificial lake, a hall with air-conditioner and others.
After the ceremony had finished, we walk back to our collge. But we stop at the outside our collegebecause we are waiting for our opponent (a residential college beside us). We shout the each others and subs. The funniest thing is the university polices or guards are coming to control and make sure there is no quarrel.
We have a game likes explorance during midnight around 2am with pembantu mahasiswa(PM). We have to go to a station and fulfill the task or mission otherwise you will be punished if you not fulfill the needs. My face is drawn by water colour, egg mix with water colour and flour mix with egg mix with kicap. So dirty, my face. But it is syok though it is dirty. Until 6am, I just sleep.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Doggie in the house!!!

今天家里多了一个新成员, 那就是小狗... 白白(暂名), 不要问我为什么它不叫黑黑或黑白... 这就是它啦!
Today, there is a new member added in my family... Who is that? That is a dog... We give it a name called Whitie(temporary only), don't ask me why don't it called Blackie or Grey...

家里的两只狗狗呢, 嘉嘉(雄) 和怡怡(雌) 看到它呢, 男的吠, 女的凶, 可能是吃醋吧! 白白的耳朵好长, 长过脸喔... 好像 Hush puppy 的... 它是个女来的, 才2个月大... 那个嘉嘉看到它就吠, 还差不多把它的狗屋子给拆了... 而那个怡怡又要凶它又要怕它, 大家都是同类嘛, 何必这样呢... 我爸爸今晚就罚它们住在外面, 不能进厨房(厨房是开放式)... 而且啊... 可能要把白白送给人家, 因为家里的两条狗狗不爽它...
I have two dogs, one called Kaka which is a male and another called Yiyi which is a female. When Whitie appears, Kaka barks at it and Yiyi is fierces at it, maybe these two dogs are jeolous at it... Whitie has long ears which are longer than its face... Look likes a Hush puppy... It is a female which is only 2 months old... Whenever Kaka sees Whitie, it barks non stop at her, it almost destructs its dog house... Yiyi will fierce at Whitie when it sees her, but Yiyi also scares of her... They are all the same species, why to be like these? Then my father punishes these Kaka and Yiyi to stay out from the house, not to allow them to come inside the wet kitchen... We might be giving Whitie to others because the two dogs do not like her...

Monday, May 4, 2009


好久没update blog了因为最近比较忙... 忙什么呢? 忙着学校的事咯... 最近, 有好多的farewell party 喔!!! 朋友们都各自忙着开学的事情... 他们大概五月份的中旬走人了... 好不舍得这班相处了五, 六年的朋友同学们... 这五, 六年里虽然有着生气以及失望的回忆, 但是大部分是充满着快乐跟搞笑的回忆... 好怀念的中学回忆... 好想回去读书喔(可能当了半年的米虫, 好久没书读吧!)

时间好像过得很快似的... 感觉上好像考完SPM没多久似的(纯属个人的感觉)... 又感觉道好像最近才拿了SPM成绩似的... 都过了一个半月了, 还有这种感觉!? 可能是不想面对现实吧... 可能想到自己也快出外读书吧, 没有爸爸妈妈的日子, 没有爸爸妈妈的照顾, 没有他们叮咛的日子, 有点不想接受现实, 不是有点是好多好多点喔... 但是还得接受, 不然就长不大咯... 爸爸妈妈常常认为我还是个3岁的小孩子, 保护我至无微不至, 接受我的无理取闹等...

在这儿呢, 我衷心祝福你们学业进步... 要记得保持联络哦... 谢谢你们的包容, 你们的宽心, 还有谢谢你们带来的快乐. 谢谢!!! Thank you!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


最近迷上了一部韩剧, 超正点好看的! 那就是 "花样男子" 啦. 2009年1月5日上映的 "花样男子" 受到非常多的观众注目, 主角也因此爆红. 这部戏是改编于神尾叶子的<流星花园>. 继台湾版和日本版的流星花园, 韩国版本的流星花园相继推出.由李民浩(李敏镐), 金贤重(SS501的对长), 具惠善, 金范和金俊(T-Max的Rapper) 领导主演. 由一众年轻的俊男美女演出, 真是赏心悦目啊, 看了只会拍手叫好啊. 强力推荐.

Monday, March 23, 2009

This is my first time having a blog. I can share something with my friends. At the beginning I set up my blog, I don't know what title should I give. So annoying. Therefore, I titled my blog as Hui@Blog. By Hui on 23rd March.